
1. Połącz pary zdań z użyciem but/however, so, because.

1 I like cars. I don’t like driving.
2 She telephoned me. I went to see her.
3 I went shopping. We didn’t have any food.
4 He is moving to the USA. He is starting a new job.
5 We can ski. We don’t like snow and cold weather!
6 I am sociable. My brother is quiet.
7 I didn’t go shopping. There was food in the fridge.
8 My brother is sociable. I am quiet.

2. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present
Continuous form of drive, wear, or have.

1 He ______ to work every morning.
2 He never ______ a jacket and tie.
3 She ______ to work today because she is late.
4 They ______ their best clothes today.
5 No, you can’t go out. We ______ lunch soon.
6 They ______ four children.
7 We ______ dinner soon so, you can’t go out.
8 They ______ a black cat.
9 He ______ his school uniform today.
10 Her son never ______ his coat.