
prosze o poprawienie błędów w tekscie

Hi Enid!
I need your help!! i promised that i would make diana's birthday party and i totally forgot about it and now i can't do it so i wand to ask for your help. I need you to buy ballons, snacks and birthday cake i will give you money so don't worry. After you buy everything please take it to Diana's house i will give you keys, decorate living room with ballon, put snacks in bowls and put cake and snacks on big table then wait for me. I would buy rest of decorations and decorate rest of the house and then we would have to wait for rest of our friends and with them we will wait for Diana

I would be very grateful if you do it


Błagam jeszcze na dzisiaj tego potrzebuje i nie wiem czy jest dobrze napisanw

Odpowiedź :