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Giant Penguin
Bones belonging TO a giant penguin that existed around 40 milion years ago have recently been unearthed by scientists. They form part of the most complete fossil ever uncovered from the Antarctic. The penguin species, Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, more commonly (1)...... as the 'colossus penguin', would have (2)...... today' s biggest living penguins look small. In fact, they were more or (3)...... the same height as the average human, according to researches.
By examining those bones, researches established that the penguins would have stood 2 m tall from toe to beak tip, and weighed as (4)...... as 115 kg. In comparison, the tallest and heaviest living penguin, the emperor penguin, stands 1.1 m high and weighs just under 50 kg. (5)...... large has its advantages, as bigger penguins can dive underwater to hunt fish (6)...... significantly longer periods of time compared to smaller species. A penguin (7)...... size of Palaeeudyptes klekowskii could have stayed underwater for
(8)...... to 40 minutes.