
4 Jaki jest stopień pokrewieństwa między osobą mówiącą a osobą opisywaną? Każda luka odpowiada jednemu wyrazowi 1 'Ellen is my Dad's sister, but she's a lot younger than he is. Ellen is the speaker's aunt 2 These are my sister's children, Lily and Frank.' Lily and Frank are the speaker's ? and 3 'The people in this painting are my Dad's grandparents, Doris and Lawrence Bennett." Doris and Lawrence Bennett are the speaker's 4 Julia? She's the daughter of my aunt Claire, my Mum's sister. We grew up together. She's almost like a sister.' Julia is the speaker's ? 5 'Richard is my brother. Well, to be quite exact, he's my Mum's son, but he's got a different father.' Richard is the speaker's ? 6 'Please meet Helen. She's, well, she's my Dad's new wife.' Helen is the speaker's ? 7 'The man behind me in this photo is Matthew. We used to be married, but I divorced him years ago.' Matthew is the speaker's ?​