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Tutbury Castle ghost hunt ****
Review posted 2 February 2013 by Sophie Mol
A couple of years ago my class went on a 'school
ghost hunt' to Tutbury Castle. At first I thought it would
be a silly thing for children, but it was actually OK.
It took place in the evening, when it was already dark.
The 'ghosts' in historic costumes told exciting stories
from the past, the kind that you don't find in school
books. Mary Queen of Scots, who was a prisoner
in the castle in the 16th century, talked to us about
her troubled life and tragic death (I loved that as I'd
recently read a bit about Mary). With the snack we had
in the castle tearoom, it was well worth the £15 per
At Tutbury castle the writer
A had to participate in activities for children.
B read about Mary Queen of Scots.
C heard something she found interesting.
D paid £15 for a snack.