Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj blog Jackie po raz kolejny i zdecyduj , czy poniższe zdania to prawda (T) czy fałsz (F). Jeśli nie ma danej informacji w tekście, napisz DS (Doesn't say).
1-Jackie talks to everyone during her voluntary work. _____
2-Jackie Has something to eat before she gets to the shelter.____
3-All the Animals get some exercise at the same time. _____
4-Jackie wants to take one of the Animals home. ____
Zadanie 5
uzupełnij poniższy tekst wyrazami z ramki GET, HOME, HOMEWORK, SCHOOL, SNACKS, TIRED, UP
Friday was a busy Day! I got ______ at 6:30 a.m. and got ready for school. I took the bus and got to ________ at about 8.30 a.m. We had Lessons All morning and then at break time I got some ______ grom the school shop because I was really hungry. After lunch, we had some more lessons until it was time to go home. I usually walk home, but I was feeling ______ so I took the bus again. I got ______ at about 4.15 p.m. and watched TV for a bit. I had a lot of ______ from the maths teachers, so I did that after dinner. There were some questions I didn't __________ so my sad helped me a bit. After that, I went to the cinema with my friends. The film was brilliant, and we had a great time!
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