
Uzupełnij dialogi 1-5 Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

1 X: Are you going to watch the game tonight?
Y: Not really. Why?
X: I thought we .......... together.

2 X: .......... basketball?
Y: Yes, I do. I play it twice a week with my friends.

3 X: I love Rafael Nadal.
Y: So .......... I think he's the best tennis player ever.

4 X: Ann, you look tired! Have you been running?
Y: Yeah. I .......... 10 kilometres already.
X: Wow!

5 X: I'm going to the swimming pool. Why don't you come with me?
Y: No, thanks. I'm not really .......... swimming.​

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