
Uzupełnij piniższe minidialogi 1-4.
1. X: Jack is a very talented young musician, isn't he?
Y: .....
X: So, I guess it runs in the family then!
A. Yes, there are actually six members in his family.
B. Who do you think he takes after?
C. Actually, his siblings are even more talented than him.

2. X: There is a striking resemblance between Beatrice and Candice, isn't there?
Y: .....
Z: Actually, they are half-sisters.
A. Well, they are cousins, after all.
B. It's really amazing, isn't it?
C. What's so strange about that?

3. X: Who's the breadwinner of your family?
Y: ....
Z: Mine too.
A. I don't know.
B. Well, my grandparents helped raise me.
C. Both my parents work and contribute equality.

4. X: How do you manage to cope so well with working and raising a family?
Y: ....
X: I guessed as much. Not many wives are as lucky as you are.
A. I o a lot of work at the weekends.
B. I have a very supportive husband.
C. I work from home.