
W zdaniach 1-4 wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obudwu zdaniach.
1. My parents expect me to look ... my younger sister when they work late.
It was only .... waiting for the bus for an hour that I decided to take a taxi.
A. on
B. into
C. after

2. His grandparents brought him .... because his parents travelled a lot.
My sister and I grew .... on a farm.
A. up
B. in
C. on

3. I decided to find out about the history of my family and got someone to look into my family ....
The .... outside my bedroom window has been there for years.
A. forest
B. wood
C. tree

4. My sister got married last year and is now .... a child.
I am .... a very important e-mail from a colleague of mine.
A. having
B. expecting
C. making