
Zadanie 4. (4 pkt) Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (4.1.–4.4.) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. A TRICK PLAYED ON A FRIEND One day, Mark Twain went to the horse races. After the event, he wanted to take a train to London. 4.1. ____ He had lost all his money, so he asked Twain to buy him a ticket to London. Twain checked in his pocket to see how much money he had. 4.2. ____ He thought about playing a trick on Lucas. So he said: “Sorry, I haven’t got enough money for two tickets. I’ll buy a ticket for myself and you can hide under my seat. The ticket inspector won’t see you when he comes.” When Twain returned from the ticket office, they boarded the train and found an empty compartment. 4.3. ____ After some time, the inspector came to check the tickets. Twain, who had, in fact, bought two tickets, handed them to him with a smile. 4.4. ____ “Whose is the other ticket?” he asked. “Oh, it’s my friend’s,” answered Twain. “He likes travelling under the seat.” A. Lucas quickly hid under Twain’s seat. B. The inspector looked round in surprise. C. Suddenly, a funny idea came to his mind. D. At that time, his friend was able to buy a ticket. E. When he got to the station, a friend, Lucas, stopped him.

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