
6 Translate the fragments in brackets into English.
Write the answers in your notebook.
1 (Żałuję, że nie uczyłem się) harder when I first started secondary school.
2 You shouldn't (spędzać tak dużo czasu na graniu) computer games because it isn't good for
your health.
3 I dropped my phone and when I (próbowałem go użyć)
it afterwards it wouldn't work.
4 Please (przestań oglądać ten film)
for just one moment and listen to what I have to tell you.
5 Would you rather (pójść do restauracji z widokiem na
rzekę) or the one in the town centre?
6 Jack wasn't used to (wstawania wcześnie)
and he overslept for his first three days at work.
for just