
3 Decide if the situations (1-6) are likely or unlikely for these speakers. Then complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs to make First or Second conditional sentences. 1 Your mum: If I were (be) rich, I'd travel (travel) the world. 2 Famous singer: If I world, I (meet) lots of fans. (keep) a vidieo diary if (travel) the 3 Astronaut: 1 (go) into space. (go) into space, 4 You: If I (look) for aliens! 5 Your neighbour: 1 to do if I (not know) what (see) a tiger here! 6 Nature film-maker: If we (not see) a tiger, we (bo) disappointed.​

NA SZYBKO PLZ 3 Decide If The Situations 16 Are Likely Or Unlikely For These Speakers Then Complete The Gaps With The Correct Form Of The Verbs To Make First Or class=