Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każego fragmentu teskstu (1-4).Dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu tekstu .
A Dangerous consequences
B No motivation to do well
C Support which works
D The lack of knowledge
E Not many care
F Understanding the causes
1. Not many people fully understand what learning disabilities are. Some believe that they are similar to mental illnesses, others think that they are just imagined problems invented by children who do not like school. Despite numerous social campaigns, most of us still have little idea how to deal with problems such as dyslexia or dyscalculia. Even fewer can tell the difference between learning disabilities and learning problems caused, for example, by a psychiatric disease.
2. What exactly, then, are learning disabilities, or learning differences as they are often called now? They are neurological problems connected with the way the brain processes information. They affect learning basic skills such as reading, writing and maths, as well as skills such as time planning, the ability to maintain attention, or even having a good memory. A learning disability is not connected with lower intelligence. People with learning disabilities are, in fact, just as clever as everyone else. Their brains are simply wired differently, which makes them see, hear and understand things in a different way.
3. Learning disabilities can impact on an individual's life at school and in the workplace, as well as his or her relationships with other people. It is very important that these disorders are diagnosed as early as possible to help the sufferers cope with all the difficulties they may experience. Without a proper diagnosis and support, children gradually begin to feel less and less confident at school and develop into frustrated teenagers and adults that feel inadequate.
4. It is impossible to heal learning disabilities. However, given the right treatment, people who have them can achieve a lot without feeling worse than others along the way. For example, children with dyscalculia should work a lot with a specially trained teacher, and use computer software which helps them learn how to do basic calculations or tell the time. Everybody deserves their chance in life, don't they?