
complete the conversations with will/shall or be going to and the correct from of the verb.
1. A:Could you take the rubbish out? It's beginning to smell.
B:I _______it as soon as this programme finishes. do)
2. A:________ you_______ that pasta? You've hardly eaten any. (finish)
B:I can't, I'm just not hungry.But don't throw it away. I_______ it for lunch tomorrow. (have)
3.A:Don't put bottles in the black bin. You need to put them in the recycling bin.
B:Sorry, I forgot. I_________ it again. (not do)
4. A: This lasagne's been in the fridge for three days. ____ I _____ it away? (throw)
B: No,don't waste it. Put it in the freezer.
5.A: I'm a bit worried about this yogurt. The sell by date was yesterday.
B: Don' t worry, it _______ fine. (be)

Complete The Conversations With Willshall Or Be Going To And The Correct From Of The Verb 1 ACould You Take The Rubbish Out Its Beginning To Smell BI It As Soon class=