
teksty i spróbuj znaleźć w nich synonimy lub
parafrazy wyrazów podkreślonych w pytaniach.
Przeczytaj polecenie i teksty (A-C).
Jaki to rodzaj tekstów? Przeczytaj
pytanie 1. Spójrz na słowa podkreślone
w tym pytaniu i w tekście B. Zwróć
uwagę na różne sposoby podania tej
samej informacji.
Przeczytaj teksty na temat trzech
młodzieżowych zespołów teatralnych
(A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. Do każdego
zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jeden tekst i
pasuje do dwóch zdań.
Wykonaj zadanie. Uzasadnij swoje
A Are you confident enough
crowd? Well, would you like to join a youth theatre company? We
are looking for 12 sociable teenagers to take part in our new
play. We are only interested in reliable volunteers who can come
to rehearsals every Saturday and Sunday morning.
Would you
like to get involved in drama, but don't have a
talent for acting? We're looking for hard-working and
patient volunteers to help out with lighting and sound for
the busy schedule of plays coming up. All you have to do is
come to the theatre and show us what you can do!
C There are lots of new plays planned at the youth centre,
but we need to fill some spots for other events. We're
looking for funny teenagers who can do stand-up comedy
as well as talented musicians who can perform in small
concerts. Come to our auditions this weekend if you think
you've got what it takor