
2 W następujących zdaniach spośród podanych propozycji wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. 1 Actually, I'm late for the meeting. a At the moment In fact € Probably 2 I don't mind telling them the truth. a am not against telling b wouldn't like to tell c don't think I should tell 3 My grandma can't stand talking to rude people. a doesn't talk b can't wait to talk c hates talking 4 My sister can't help spending so much money, because she loves shopping. a isn't able to spend much money b would like to spend more money c finds it difficult to stop spending money 5 People should try to hide their feelings from animals. a should teach animals more about feelings. b should not let animals know how they feel. c should help animals understand human feelings. Asca​

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