
Dobrý večer.
Prosím Vás o radu z angličtiny.
Vymyslieť moje pravidlá školy z pozície riaditeľa. Použiť should, shouldn' t, must, mustn' t, don' t have to!!! 20 viet!
Prosím nezverejňovať!!!!!
1/You should greet courteously.
2/You should keep the corridors tidy.
3/You must not be noisy.
4/You do not run up the stairs.
5/You should not provoke quarrels.
6/You don' t make fun of your classmates.
7/You must not steal things from each other as classmates.
8/ You should help yourself.
9/ You should mountain the classroom clean.
10/You must not bend over the window.
Potrebujem k tomu prosím ešte 10 viet.
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