
In each of the following pairs of sentences an infinitive used in the first sentence is repeated in the second.
Read the sentences, expressing this second infinitive by to only. Note that where the second infinitive has an
object, this word/phrase must be omitted.

1 Why are we trying to get planning permission? ~
We have to get planning permission. It is the law.
2 I meant to work hard. ~
I know you meant to work hard but you didn't.
3 Do the boys tidy their own rooms? ~
They are supposed to tidy them but they don't always.
4 Why didn't he call the police. ~
He wasn't able to call them. His telephone line had been cut.
5 Why did you move your car? ~
The policeman told me to move it.
6 Why did you bring your mother-in-law? I particularly asked you not to bring her.