
4 Join the sentences below using when, while, and, so or because, as in the example.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
1 The sun was shining.
2 Aidan was watching TV.
3 I was having a bath.
4 I heard a noise in the garden.
5 Amy went to bed early last night.
a His brother was getting dressed.
b She was very tired.
c The birds were singing.
d I went to see what it was.
e My doorbell rang.
Avoiding repetition
When there are two past continuous forms in one sentence talking about the same person, you can omit the conjunction and, the subject pronoun and the auxiliary verb (to be), and use only the -ing participle. The child was looking around and he was crying for his mother. → The child was looking around crying for his mother.​