
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. The journalist was criticised___ his reliance___ unverified information.
2. The tennis player blamed his failure to win the tournament___ scheme.
3. Despite the manager’s promises, few employees benefited___ the new regulations.
4. Helen was anxious ___ Her son to recover from illness.
5. Workers who refused to comply___ the management’s decisions were all fired.
6. Subsidies from local authorities account___ 75% of our budget.
7. People who are addicted___ caffeine are not properly awake until they have had a cup of strong coffee.
8. Th man who was charged___ murder was finalny relieved.
9. The clerk took advantage___ my ignorance and persuaded me to sing the document.
10. The actor did not comment___ his latest affair.
11. The resolution was carried, even though many members abstained___ voting.
12. Everybody Leeds somebody to lean___ In Times of difficulty.
13. The reason___ his sudden disappearance Romains unknown.
14. Jim is notorious___ borrowing books and keeping them.
15. I was so moved by the students’ presents that I was___ a loss for words.