2. Join each pair of sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets.
a. Mary is having a child. She lives two flats away from us. (who)
Mary, who lives two flats away from us, is having a child.
b. Torrevieja is a very cosmopolitan town. We've lived there for three years. (where)
is in central London, is really expensive.
e. The film was really interesting. We saw it last Saturday. (which)
d. Maria is a very charming girl. Her brother is a friend of mine. (whose)
e. Two years ago we bought a house. We got married then. (when)
f. Mr Smedley introduced me to his son. He is my boss. (who)
g. John Ash is a policeman. His wife was at the party last night. (whose)
h. Robert is going to get married. He is a lawyer. (who)
i. Our new car has broken down again. We bought the car only last month. (which)
j. We stayed in Mary's place. It is in a small village in the south of England. (which)
k. Lucas is my best friend. I have known Lucas since I was a child. (who)
1. Next weekend I'm going to Madrid. My brother has been living there for the past two years.