8 Choose the translation of the phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
You look sad. (Co się stało?)
A Are you sad?
B What's wrong?
Is your computer broken? (A może zadzwońmy).
A How about calling
B Why don't you call
3 You don't have a connection. OK. (Musisz tylko)
AI think what you can do
B All you need to do
4 I've got an error message. (Nie mam pojęcia)
A I've no time to know
5 He thinks my phone is OK, but (nie sądzę).
AI don't think so
B I don't know
B I've no information
C How are you feeling?
the shop?
C Would you like to call
is turn it off and on again.
C What you should do
what to do!
C I've no idea
. I can't text.
CI don't want to