Pilnie potrzebuje
Read the text and choose the correct answer a, b or c.
Last summer I participated in a sports camp. Imagine my
surprise when I saw it was only 3 km from my grandparents'
house! I used to 1
swimming in the lake there when I was
a child. The teachers at the camp divided us into five groups
and every day we had competitions. My group was the best!
During the first two weeks we 2
most of the competitions.
The final one was held during the last weekend: we had to
find our way through a forest till we reached the lake. Then
we had to sail back to the camp. My team had some bad
luck. We got lost, so my friend, Jake, climbed a tree to see
where we were. Unfortunately, he's 3
a huge spider climbed on his hand he screamed, jumped
of spiders. So, when
back and fell 4
the tree. To make things worse, he hit one
of the branches when he was falling and 5.
We had to help him walk back to the camp.
1 a do
2 a brought
3 a scary
4 a out
5 a injured
b make
b won
b afraid
b of
b broke
c go
C scored
c shame
C off
c in danger