
Zadanie 1 Uzupełnij luki poprawnie użytą formą dopełniacza saksońskiego używając słów podanych w nawiasach. a) I have to check my She loves buying c) d) is going to be bought soon. e) Are you feeling fine before (tomorrow/job interview) with the boss. f) It's next month. g) His h) I want to invite our (pupils/tests) next week. (women/clothes). (Mike and Jessie/kids) are so different from (our/neighbours). (the Browns/cottage home) to the garden party. i) The j) The ******** (my older cousin /birthday) (animal/fur) is snowy and brown. (workmates/children) (men/ jackets )at the store are chic. (company/slogan) reminds me of my last job.​