BŁAGAM O SZYBKĄ ODPOWIEDŹ zadanie 5 i 6. 5 1.18 In your notebook, match the base forms of the phrasal verbs in red in the blog with their definitions. Then listen, check and repeat. 1 shout loudly to encourage sb = cheer sb on 2 get rid of (fat or calories) 3 quit being part of sth = 4 be chosen for (a team) 5 take part in sth = 6 make sb disappointed 7 accept sth (a challenge) = = = rbs = ? 3 Do you think a national team down when it loses? 4 Have you ever had to reason? ? 5 SPEAKING In your notebook, complete the questions with the verbs in Exercise 5. Discuss them with a partner. 1 Are you somebody who likes to take on a challenge? 2 What do you shout when you a competitor or a team on? 5 Which school team is it easiest to 6 Does your school competitions? 7 What is the best type of exercise to calories? the country out of a team for any into? in for many inter-school off