
★ Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach. 1 A: Where's Tom? He ____ (usually/play) football in the park on Tuesday after school. B: Oh, he today. He home. He's got an important test tomorrow. 2 Right now, my brother and | and my brother some shirts. My sister (not help) us. She (sleep) on the sofa! 3 My dad hardly ever___ (drive) to work. He sometimes this month he his bike. (do) some chores. (vacuum) the carpet (iron) (not go) out (study) at (take) the bus, but (ride) 4 This week we about Copernicus in history lesson. |_ enjoy) history, but today we (not/usually / (learn) and it's really interesting! (watch) a video (not/usually / 5 Sam get up) before 7 o'clock, but it's 6.30 now and (have) a shower. he_​