
Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów, natomiast – jeśli to konieczne – dodaj inne wyrazy.
1. This time next week I _________________________________
(work) here for one year exactly.
2. I can’t believe you just said that! I _____________________
_________________________ (not / speak / you) ever again.
3. You get here at 7:00, right? We ________________________
___________________________ (wait / you) when you arrive.
4. I’m not going to make it, I’m afraid. I __________________
______________________________ (not / finish / homework)
by then.
5. I’ll be a little late. I ________________________ (take / cat)
to the vets.
6. The next school term _________________________________
(start / 1st October).
7. Christmas day ________________________________________
(fall / Wednesday) this year.
8. It’s impossible to predict the result of the game but
I _________________________________ (reckon / probably
/ be) a draw.
9. You’re going away at the weekend? I __________________
____________________________ (feed / rabbit), if you want.
10. I __________________________________ (plan / meet) Karol
as usual so I’ll tell him about it then.