8 Choose the translation of the phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 I was walking down the street when a (przypadkowa osoba) ______________ stopped me and asked me for money.
A random personal B person random C random person
2 The food in the restaurant was (takie pyszne) ______________! I loved it.
A such delicious B so delicious C such a delicious
3 Call the police and ask them to come (natychmiast) ______________. A man has been mugged!
A straight away B away straight C straight
4 Hidden Figures was (tak ciekawym) ________________ film.
A so interesting B such an interesting C such interesting
5 I’m (czuję się przygnębiony) ______________ at the moment. My wallet was stolen yesterday.
A feeling really down B bending really down C falling really down