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1 In July we will be planning to go to Spain on holiday.
2 By this time next month I will work on the house for over two years. I hope I can finish it before I retire.
3 I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing Paul on Friday night. How about Saturday?
4 Do you really think they will lose? I hope you’re wrong.
5 My birthday will be on a Saturday this year so I’ll have a party.
6 Shall we all go together in my car?
7 Don’t worry too much about it. I will help you set up the new system.
8 Barbara will have been arriving at 5:00 so I’ll start preparing dinner at about 3 o’clock.
9 It’s my brother’s birthday next week. I’m going to buy him the new Sting CD.
10 I’m sure she won’t have been at the party. She told me she was going away to her grandmother’s for the weekend.