
Fill in the correct relative pronoun

why, which, whose, who, whom, where, when:

Dear Donna

I must tell you about the man I met on holiday. It happened last year in June, …………………..I went to Italy. I met him in Rome, ………………….. I was staying overnight. I was walking around the Forum, ………………….. is one of Rome's ancient sites. The guide had been feeling unwell all day and that was the reason ………………….. he suddenly fainted! Someone shouted, 'Doctor!' and a man ………………….. was standing nearby came rushing up to help. He took the guide into the shade, ………………….. it was cooler, and rushed to a telephone …………………..was nearby to call an ambulance. The rest of people, most of ………………….. were Italians, surrounded the two men. Fortunately, it proved to be nothing serious. Anyway, we got chatting, and guess what! This man, ………………….. name is David, comes from Birmingham, …………………..I studied History. We spent a nice time together and are going to meet next week. I'll keep you posted.

Love, Kim