Across 3. Warsaw is the ..... city of Poland. 5. You can refuel your car at a.... station. 6. I'd like to live in a house..... the sea. 8. We couldn't drive fast because there was ..... traffic on the roads. 11. A..... is a very wide road for travelling fast. 12. I don't have a car. I usually travel by..... transport. 14. We live in a quiet 16. You can see ships in the ...... 18 12 14 Down. 1. A car..... is where people can park their cars. 2. A..... is a long seat for two or more people. 4. Children play in the ..... 7. The snow caused..... jams all over the city. 9. A..... is smaller than a town. 10. A train..... is a place where trains stop. 13. An..... is a place where planes land. 15. Unfortunately, my house is near a very ..... road. CROSSWORD #9 16 10