
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę babci z wnukiem. W zadaniach 1-4, na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą (A, B albo C).
1 Neil wants to
A subscribe to a music streaming service.
B hire a bike.
C have a social media account.
2 What did his brother do yesterday?
A He had his hair cut.
B He set up a social media account.
C He had his phone repaired.
3 What did his sister do in the morning?
A She found a place to have a party.
B She texted her friends.
C She went cycling.
4 Why is grandma calling?
A To talk about what she has been doin
B To ask the grandchildren to use socia media less.
C To hear what her grandchildren have doing.​