
ZESTAW 9 POZIOM PODSTAWOWY Zadanie 1. W zadaniach 1.1.-1.5. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. 1.1. • Dr Cameron likes her job in the accident and emergency department, but she still hasn't got used to night shifts. if you want to keep in shape, you'd better start exercise every day. 1.2. mare 1.3. 1.4. Do you prefer to notes yourself or get notes from the teachers? • Mark is really into nature photography - he'd love to a photo of a wolf in the wild. I have a terrible headache - I need to lie for a while. • Mr Jones looks on people who don't have university education - isn't that terrible? 1.5. i money • You can pay in or by card. • I'm short of at the moment - can you lend me some? NEW MATURA PRACTICE lexical sets • Smoking in enclosed spaces and workplaces was made illegal in England in 2007 Boxing Day, that is 26 December, is a holiday in the UK. POZIOM ROZSZERZONY 2.3. Zadanie 2. W zadaniach 2.1.-2.5, wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. 2.1. got • The world record in the long jump, which Mike Powell in 1991, has remained unbeaten for many years. down when her parents got divorced. • Sheila • I have never sprained a knee or an ankle, but I an arm last winter. 2.2. • I got wet through at the weekend, so I'm feeling a bit under the now. • It's impossible to forecast the without using mathematical models. • The recent spell of hot in Scandinavia has made people more aware of global warming. . . • If you don't want to forget to pay your phone or Internet bills, you can set up a standing The police were not able to restore after rioting had broken out after the game. Once you have decided what you want to eat, you can place your by telephone or via the Internet • It's easy to bad eating habits, but it's hard to give them up. • Do you think scientists will a cure for cancer in the near future? • Tim was allergic to pollen when he was a child, but luckily, he didn't asthma. 2.5. • I spent the whole evening glued the screen this series is amazing! • If you don't want to get a speeding ticket, you'd better stick the speed limit. • You can always refer the manual if you don't know how to operate the new oven. Photocopiable Macmillan Polska 2022​