
✔ WO. Przeczytaj polecenie i wykonaj zadanie. Porównaj swoje odpowiedzi z odpowiedziami kolegi/koleżanki. i Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki (1-3) podanymi I wyrazami (A-F) tak, aby powstał tekst poprawny I I pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym. Trzy I wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo. A pity B answer 1 C talk D deal unhappy E F sad Science magazines are really entertaining and I think it's a 1). that most of my friends don't read them. These magazines 2)...... with such a huge variety of topics that readers like me just can't wait to read the next issue. They are more interesting than our school books and they 3) questions that we've all wondered about at some stage. Also, there are magazines about inventors and scientists and even step by step guides for students to do experiments at home!​